

DGXG ZhaoDai 北同文化 2020-10-17

Stellar guests / 表演来自
MAZIYA Mizrahi (Africanah Laté), RAE.NEGADE, Kira Shaw, Seiga
DJs / 音乐来自
JustSYD, Ms Putong Hoe, OOPS2 
Photo works by / 摄影作品
Ian Tan Ya (Inntya) 
Time / 舞会时间
October 17 (Sat) 22:00 - 06:00 
#Beijingclubkids #boliballrealness #templesforages #itsourbirthday #shesbaaack

距离东宫西宫第一次闪亮登台已经整整两周年,她用九场艳光四射的亮相,和弹眼落睛的表演,把至情至性的性少数派对氛围带到京城,而她的舞步还在继续——我们的 DGXG 女王挺过了全球肆虐的疫情,10月17日的夜晚,她将携 Miss OOPS2,Ms Putong Ho 还有 JustSyd 再次现身,并将一如既往地骄奢淫逸闪耀夺目


Selected for 东宫西宫「玻璃舞会」“蒙面大盗”
Photo by Blommers & Schumm

为了迎接 DGXG 女王的回归,我们将举办一场甜蜜骚绝的玻璃舞会 Boliball,我们想要以这场在地派对,来纪念具有极大社会意义的美国黑色、拉丁酷儿社群,来展示东宫西宫所一直秉持的价值观,它正是因此才成为 DGXG ,一座能让我们和无数同行者一起放肆呐喊,放肆挣扎的宫殿,一艘庇佑我们穿越飘摇欲坠的环境的方舟。

Selected for 东宫西宫「玻璃舞会」“噢,女人!”
Photo by Blommers & Schumm

所以,婊贝们,请不遗余力地尽显你们的美态和舞步,我们的宫门为欢迎你们每一个人而大敞,这是为你们每一个人而大办的庆典,因为我们都是 DGXG 大家庭的一员!

 Selected for 东宫西宫「玻璃舞会」“噢,女人!”
Critical Mascara Canada by Gia Goodrich



OK,规则很简单,只要邮件至 info@zhaodai.com 告诉我们,你想要参与哪个环节,用你 slay 全场的装扮、态度和台步打动我们,就能赢取奖杯噢,婊贝们还可以报名参加多个环节,抱走多个奖杯噢~

Selected for 东宫西宫「玻璃舞会」“蒙面大盗”
Sarah Lew @shutuplewser'

Two solar cycles have passed since our young damsel saw the light of the nightclub for the first time, and ever since throughout a series of 9 editions she’s delighted us with her campiness, with her stunning performances and her ability to bring gay disco church to town henny, and she ain’t over yet: our very queer lady of ladies DGXG made it through pandemic and now she’s quarantined and ready to bring her quintessential dose of debauchery to town on OCTOBER 17 with music by Miss OOPS, the very Ms Putong Ho and sweetheart Syd.


To celebrate her arrival we are having a BALL henny, a玻璃BALL, but hold on... we want to honor the memory of such a profoundly socially charged symbol of the black and latino queer community in the United States with a local touch, showing the values that make DGXG, our temples, a safe heaven for all our fellow folks out there struggling to be visible, to survive through the precariousness allowed by the politically shaky systems that weighs on them, on us. So take notes and get ready to show everyone the looks and the moves, cause we are opening the gates for y’all to come join our anniversary ball, a celebration for all because at the end you are as much DGXG as us, this is your house.


Okay, so the rules are simple, you register at info@zhaodai.com and let us know in which of the following categories you’d like to partake, you can walk in more than one and snatch more than one prize, henny. Earn your place and be ready to slay in a fierce duel where looksattitude and moves will be all taken into consideration.

Scroll down for English


1. Svetlana Hollis @khollisy Photography Valeria Suchkova @suchkova_valeria
2. Hussein Bazaza's headpiece @husseinbazaza
3. Maradia @maradiadoraDaisy
4. Collingridge' s Squishy @daisy_collingridge
5. Shalva Nikvashvili @shalvanikvashvili



1. Richie Rich later on to be Leatherette 
2. pythia @pythia.queen
3. Tiggy Thorn and Le Marmoset @kindergartenparty 

4. Ogre Babe @ogrebabe 

5. Walt Cassidy @therealwaltpaper




4. Kat Toronto aka Miss Meatface@missmeatface




1. DIVINE starring cult film Pink Flamingos
2. Critical mascara performance by Gia Goodrich
3. MONAE @caemonae
4. @chinthekid
5. DAVONTI @davonti for A-TYPE Magazine @atypemag Sept 2020






Category One: Fashion for bank robbers.

A Post pandemic world taught us one or two things about covering our faces for the sake of self protection and more importantly to show care for other more vulnerable. Let this health related gesture inspire the wildest dreams and bring the craziest mask, vizier, lampshade, you name it, but make it FAB!


Category two: All that Gender-fuckery fabulousness!

We’ve been forced into conforming in a strict and sad symbolic gender binary from birth, but you know what? Fuck that! It’s time to show the spectrum to all them folks out there. Be gender neutral, non binary, gender-fuck it all with the sickest look that breaks the construct and show them how it’s really done.


Category three: Ain’t no leather tight enough…

Gurl, we know you love leather! That’s why you bring them straps, harnesses and masks to every edition... So why even try to hide it on this one. Chains, straps, belts, boots, kepis, gags… put them all... but bring it to the runway, a simple harness won’t do, more is more, and we mean it… Next!

Category four: FEMME!

In a world where female roles are undermined and underappreciated here we exalt and celebrate them. This category is all about female-identifying folks or anyone who is not second guessing their female power, cause it’s there in every one of us, we just need to embrace it. So bring them femme aesthetics and them moves too.

Category Five: Surprise, bitches!

We are not revealing it all dears, there’s more and this one we promise will rock your socks, so come ready for an extra demonstration of skills and heart, cause we wear our hearts in our sleeves, always.

Coming back, we stand with our dear friends from Beijing Gender and Beijing’s LGBTQI+ Centers in times where it’s more pressing than ever to support with all our means the local queer community struggling to make ends meet and help as many folks out there. As usual your tickets will help them push through and get the resources they need to implement their incredibly helpful programs oriented to gays, lesbians, trans people, bisexual, intersex, queer and non binary folks.

We are ready to hear from you. In the mean time, save the dates and tell all your friends, frenemies and allies! 

With love, 

DGXG xiaojies.

Scroll down for English

Selected for 东宫西宫「玻璃舞会」“恋皮之癖”
Torture-Ship-2019 Photo Image Alliance - Avalon.purple 1

这场回归大戏,我们依然和 Beijing Gender,以及北京 LGBTQI+ 社群站在一起,而在全球疫情的背景下,我们这一次的支持显得更为紧要。一如既往你所支付的票价将会用于支持北京的酷儿社群,用以支持各类男同、女同、变性群体、双性、跨性别、酷儿及其他非二元性别人士的项目。




* 根据国家规定,入场需扫描健康宝并实名登记 
* 特殊时期我们不得不严格控制店内人数,希望大家能够理解


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